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Storyboard & Animatic

Little Hero

Title: Little Hero

Synopsis Group:
Little Hero is a heartwarming 1-minute and 33-second animation that follows the story of a four-year-old boy who, in a moment of crisis, becomes an unexpected hero. The narrative revolves around his courage and resourcefulness as he faces an emergency with his unconscious mother. The animation highlights the role of emergency dispatchers and first responders and aims to create awareness about the importance of teaching young children basic emergency procedures.

Plot Summary:
The animation opens with a distressed four-year-old boy calling the Polk County Sheriff's Office, seeking help for his unconscious mother. The dispatcher calmly guides him through the situation, asking crucial questions to assess the emergency. As the boy provides information about his location, the dispatcher keeps him on the line, reassuring him that help is on the way. The boy, realizing the urgency, decides to step outside to guide the emergency responders to his home. In the end, the little hero's actions play a vital role in ensuring timely assistance for his mother

くノ一 (Kunoichi/ Ninja Girl)

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